Science in Action - Malawi

Since 2019 Science To All has brought 80 Science in Action events to schools in Malawi. The event starts with presentations of science demonstrations, including demonstrations that are made in Malawi using locally available materials. This is followed by a water bottle rocket competition where typically 30 or so teams of 3 to 5 students construct a water bottle rocket. Then a competition is run to see whose rocket flies the furthest. The event is very exciting for the entire school! Top teams receive some prize money which of course adds to the excitement. For students in Malawi, and in Africa in general, such events are rare or nonexistent as the vast majority of African schools do not have the funds for such activities .

On October 26/2023 Science To All held a bottle rocket competition at Mulanje stadium where teams from 16 secondary schools from Mulanje District in Malawi competed. The winning team was from Njedza CDSS, whose rocket flew 125 m! The runner up team from Muloza CDSS were only 0.5 m less at 124.5 m! The winning team won a microscope for their school. Other prizes included chalk board mathematical instruments and thermometers for their respective schools.